AusNTM Cycle 10 5th Episode : Cradle Mountain Photo Shoot

Original airdate : October 18, 2016

Belinda was unfit so she didn't participate in the shoot...

Photo Shoot : Cradle Mountain

First call out


Call out order


Bottom two




Belinda was deemed unfit to participate in the shoot for medical reasons, and thus only had the opportunity to accumulate a score of 9 for the challenge. In the interest of fairness, she was granted exemption from elimination. While she did technically have the lowest overall score, she wasn't eligible for elimination. As a result, the eliminee for that week became Jessie, who had the lowest combined score.

I love this photo shoot! The colours, photography and location is so amazing! Aleyna and Linnea did the best... They look so great... It's so unfair how Belinda get a free pass and Jessie was robbed.. She's not the worst, Sabine is... how come you just standing there and do modeling 101 when you got this amazing set... 

1 comment :

  1. Oh gosh! I just can't! Jessie's elimination was so robbed. :'( She just recently recieved best photo last time. But anyways, love that Linnea, Kassidy and Aleyna rocked the shoot. And for Vitoria, she need to step it up! She's becoming underrated in the show.


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