Mexico's Next Top Model back in September 2014!

Yeayy! Setelah KNTM cycle 5 dan ANTM cycle 21 sudah mulai diputar, MxNTM akan menyusul di akhir bulan september 2014! yup tepatnya akan mulai ditayangkan pada tanggal 29 September 2014 di channel Sony Entertainment Television. Top Model Mexico, Jaydy Michel akan kembali menjadi host dan setelah pengalaman menjadi host pada cycle sebelumnya seharusnya kali ini ia akan lebih less robotic yahh :p

Jaydy Michel, host of MxNTM Cycle 5

MxNTM tahun ini disponsori oleh Mary Kay, VW dan Sears namun mengenai hadiah yang akan diperebutkan oleh para model sepertinya masih dirahasiakan. Tapi hal yang disayangkan adalah MxNTM tetap diproduksi oleh Zodiak. It's a surprise for all of us. All I knew was they were looking for a new production team. Pihak Sony sendiri pun sepetinya mengerti bahwa Zodiak adalah pilihan yang buruk untuk memproduksi reality show MxNTM dan mereka pula lah yang membuat kualitas MxNTM (cycle 3 dan 4) semakin menurun dibandingkan 2 cycle awal. Hal lain yang juga sangat disayangkan adalah persyaratan tinggi para model yang diturunkan menjadi 168 cm... But actually i don't really care if they have stunning face...

Judges Team

Posisi juri kali ini akan diduduki oleh Director and Fashion Editor, Antonio GonZaleZ de Casio, Fashion Photographer, Allan Fin, Director of Contempo International Model Management, Óscar Madrazo dan Top Model Senior Glenda Reyna yang akan memberikan komen-komen tajam mereka seperti biasa. MxNTM tahun ini bertema Preparate Para La Batalla - Get ready for the Battle dan dari promo yang sudah beredar seperti nya ini akan menjadi fierce competition...

Jaydy : "Only one model can be the cynosure of all eyes... Get ready for the battle"

Glenda : "Modelling isn't about walking. It is a strategy to conquer... Get ready for the battle"

Allan : "Make sure the camera is your ally... Get ready for the battle"

Antonio : "Pose explosive... Get ready for the battle"

Oscar : "Your style is an invincible weapon... Get ready for the battle"

MxNTM Cycle 5 Ads Promo

Teaser Promo

Promo 1


Proses audisi sudah dilakukan sejak bulan Mei lalu dan seperti cycle sebelumnya, MxNTM akan dimulai dengan 20 finalis yang memperebutkan 14 kursi untuk menjadi Mexico's Next Top Model. Dan inilah mereka...

Top 20 of MxNTM Cycle 5

Andrea Ibañez
22 yo, 173cm, 86-67-92, Puebla - Sorry but she looks like a porn star... Maybe not a model but perfect for the drama...

Daniela Curiel
19 yo, 174cm, 84-64-95, San Uis Potosi - Pretty girl... her nose bugs me but i think shes quite beautiful otherwise...

Diana Gill
22 yo, 175cm, 88-67-98, Mochis Sinaloa - Beautiful... need to see more.. Her hips measurement so bad for modeling...

Elisa Ayon Garcia
18 yo, 175cm, 82-64-93, Hermossilo-Sonora - Keeping an eye on her... she looks good but need a makeover

Elsa Chapa
23 yo, 175cm, 84-61-98, Monterrey-NL - Remind me to natalie pack (while in the show-ANTM cycle 12)  she's not the most stunning or the stand out but has something that I had yet to pin point out, hopefully she'll make it.

Fátima Romo
 18yo, 178cm, 87-67-95, Jalisco - Beautiful girl... Nice height but bad proportions...

Glorelia Pellegrini
25yo, 177cm, 86-68-97, Mochis-Sinaloa - don't like her cheesy smile... But maybe she's good...

Josephine Sandoval
22yo, 171cm, 88-64-96, Mexicali-BC - Mexican version of Lauren Lambert (BiNTM 9)

Kristen Fara
18yo, 174cm, 75-59-83, Monterrey-NL - Stand out! a bit deer in the head light but she looks more beautiful in motion... love her face and yeah she have a very tense mouth but she will learn...

Mariana Berumen
22yo, 178cm, 85-64-94, Leon-Guanajuato - Very beautiful... But she looks more like a beauty queen or actress.. but the modeling potential is there, she have an interesting face, great bone structure, height, proportions... just needs to loose a bit of weight and toned down the make up!

Melisa Chavarria
18yo, 175cm, 89-69-93, Monterrey - great heigh but i don't feel her...
Miranda Chamosa
20yo, 174cm, 81-63-94, DF - Bland and forgettable as someone could be...

Montserrat Curis
18yo, 171cm, 88-66-92, Puebla - Interesting face and i like her jawline...

Natalia Villanueva
18yo, 174cm, 87-64-91, Hermosillo-Sonora - She looks like the typical prom queen in the highschool year book in her promo photo.. bland girl...

Nebai Torres
21yo, 176cm, 82-68-91, Guadalajara-Jalisco - Love her! obviously on of the front runner... great height, beautiful face and i can see her work in commercial and editorial modeling...

Nydia Galindo
23yo, 180cm, 87-68-97, Zacatlan - Great face and perfect height but those proportions are awful.

Paulina Martinez
20yo, 177cm, 85-66-99, Navojoa-Sonora - Another perfect height but awful proportions.. and her face not a model for me...

Roxana Reyes
21yo, 176cm, 82-64-92, Zacatecas - She looks old for 21 years old girl..

Samantha Ochoa
22yo, 177cm, 85-64-90, Aguascalientes - Interesting face and i think shes one with the most raw potential. Good proportions need haircut and get riddance the make up...

Vanessa Ponce
22yo, 172cm, 76-59-89, Leon, Guanajuato - Great face and she can be success as commercial model...

Overall, all the girls look beautiful but such a downgrade for diversity (they look identical ala AusNTM Cycle 6) and their body looks not ready for runway (wide hips everywhere)... I'm still quite skeptical about this cast there isn't as many stand outs and modelesque girls as previous seasons but I'll wait until the show airs a few episodes...

My Top 14 (based on promo pictures and hopefully they all make it) :
Nebai Torres, Samantha Ochoa, Nydia Galindo, Kristen Fara, Mariana Berumen, Montserrat Curis, Vanessa Ponce, Elisa Ayon Garcia, Elsa Chapa, Josephine Sandoval, Fatima Romo, Diana Gill and 2 others LOL...   

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