AsNTM Cycle 4 3rd Episode : Compcards Photo Shoot

Original Airdate : March 23, 2016

Judging Room

Photo Shoot : Compcards

Kinda underated... i think she looks decent...
 Her face can take the short hair very well but still long hair was better...
 Love her profile picture... Other than that it's kinda awkward..
 She looks 40!

 I hate the bangs!! Her photo kinda weak... i only like the bottom one...
 Again, the bangs hider her pretty face... Weak shots...
Mai Ngo
 Awkward but she gives spice in her compcard...
 So cute! She belongs in teen vogue or something like that...

 I think she choose wrong photo of herself because she's amazing in the set... Love how she shows her long leg!
Sang In
 Bow to the queen... She's the only one who nailed the photo shoot... Amazing photo!
 So disappointing... She's so beautiful yet her photograph kinda weak to me week after week... Hope she get her redemption next week... And Ramos really mess her! She's stunning with her old hair!
 Second favorite after Sang In... She know her angle really well...

First call out : Sang In
Call out order : Tuti, Aldilla, Angie, Jessica, Tawan, Patricia, May, Julian, Alaiza
Bottom two : Mai Ngo & Gwen
Eliminated : Mai Ngo

I hate Ramos!! They ruined the girls!! The makeover should make them more modelesque but now... All i see is Bangs, Bangs, Short hair and Bangs.... I don't understand what judges think, why they always saved Gwen?? She's always got bottom place and she's no progress... And she's kinda bores me with beauty pageant vs high fashion thing...  


  1. Yeah, I agree. I'm so annoyed with their make-overs. Lourd only knows two hairstyles like Bangs or Short Cut who makes them looked like a man. Specially to Tawan and Aldilla. And yes, Gwen should've been eliminated instead of Mai Ngo. The scoring system sucks, Mai Ngo did great in first two episodes and Gwen is just a drama queen, she's not improving at all. :'(


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