Asia's Next Top Model is Back in March 2016!

Yess!! Salah satu NTM franchise yang gw tunggu-tunggu akhirnya balik lagi! Yup Asia's Next Top Model (AsNTM) bakal balik ke layar kaca dengan season ke-4 di tahun 2016! kenapa gw tunggu2? tentu saja karena NTM franchise ini lah satu-satu nya NTM yang ada model asal Indonesia :) Dan setelah 2 kali gagal dalam merebut gelar Asia's Next Top Model, akhirnya Gani berhasil menyabet titel model bergengsi tersebut.

AsNTM Cycle 4
Sama seperti cycle pertama dan ketiga, cycle keempat ini kembali berlatar di Singapore. AsNTM kembali ditayangkan oleh Star World dan rencananya akan dimulai pada 9 maret 2016 mendatang.

Yu Tsai, Cindy Bishop & Kelly Tandiono

Untuk posisi juri, posisi Georgina Wilson digantikan oleh Thai Fashion Model and Beauty Queen Cindy Bishop sebagai host dan head judge, sedangkan posisi juri yang sebelumnya diduduki Alex Perry & Joey Mead King digantikan oleh  Indonesian model Kelly Tandiono as the model mentor, along with America's Next Top Model's Yu Tsai joining the show as the creative consultant. Casting calls sudah dilakukan sejak tanggal 20 September sampai 3 Oktober lalu di 3 kota yaitu Jakarta, Manila & Bangkok. Dan casting online untuk negara-negara Asia lainnya. Dari audisi tersebut terpilihlah 14 finalis dari berbagai negara di Asia dan inilah mereka :

Alaiza Flor Malinao

Philippines - 22 yo - 175 cm
Love her ethnic look! I think she's the best Philippines representative after Stephanie Cycle 1. Already my favorite!

 Aldilla Zahraa


Indonesia - 23 yo - 173 cm
She's quite edgy in her promotion picture.. Interest to see how she progress... Hopefully she got far in the competition

Angie Watkins 

Singapore - 19 yo - 176 cm
Pretty girl and a bit bland... But her promo picture surely one of the best there...

Gwendoline Ruais


Phillipines - 25 yo - 181 cm
Weakest competition... Nice height but she looks old, too mature and manly... But i think she will bring drama in the house...

Jessica Lam 

Hong Kong - 22 yo - 176 cm
Stunning! Face that works internationally ala Jessica cycle 1... She slay the commercial modeling and with right styling i can see her doing some editorial...

Julian Flores 

Phillipines - 24 yo - 175 cm
Cute and commercial! She's really pretty...

May Ngo Thi Quynh



Vietnam - 21 yo - 171 cm
Former VNTM contestant like Trang cycle 1...Same with Gwen, i think she will bring drama..

May Myat Noe


Myanmar - 17 yo - 173 cm
Another commercial princess but i don't really mind because they all are so beautiful and fresh! Surprisingly she take the best promo picture this year!

Wanvisa 'Maya' Goldman

Thailand - 21 yo - 170 cm
Need to see more... Her promo looks not good.. She looks old and her shoulder looks too abroad that make her feature look thick...

Patricia Gunawan 

Indonesia - 25 yo - 168 cm
Stunning! Shame about her height though... I think she will be the photogenic one...

Sang In Kim


South Korea - 23 yo - 175 cm
One of my favorite! I lobe how quirky she look in the promo... Hopefully the height is right because she looks short in her photo... Finally Korea's have better representative that same level with KNTM girls...

Tawan Kedkong 

Thailand - 20 yo - 177 cm
Complete package! She's a model! One of my favorite!

Tugs Saruul 

Mongolia - 20 yo - 177 cm
I think she has the best body there.. Based on her promo i'm not really fond with her look...

Tuti Mohd Noor


Malaysia - 24 yo - 175 cm
Edgy! Love her exotic look... She's the most experience there so hopefully she got far...

Wow overall cast were so amazing! I think it's better than cycle 2 and 3 and on par with cycle 1... The girls looks beautiful and interesting and i really want to see them in action on set... Hopefully the editing and drama were better and they produce better shot this year... amen!

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  1. Hi! Your site is an amazing resource for Next Top Model series! We released the March Issue of MITH magazine with Asia's Next Top Model star Amanda Chan on the cover! Please help us share our magazine and Amanda's cover story with all Next Top Model fans.

    Here's the link to the issue:
    We're giving all Next Top Model fans a discount code for 30% off: LOVEMITH03

    Let us know when you've posted about our magazine and if you share it on social media too! We'd love to see it. Thanks!

    ~Jeffrey Lin
    Director/Co-Founder MITH magazine

    1. Thank you so much.. I appreciate it...
      please check my posted about Amanda on the MITH Magazine
      here's the link and my twitter @cipcipweebee
      good day :)


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