AsNTM Cycle 3 3rd Episode : Jewelery Photo Shoot

Original Airdate : April 8, 2015

Photo Shoot : Jewelery

Really great photo especially after last week trainwreck... I like how melancholic and romantic she is... Good redemption arc for her... but i hope we can see strong expression from her in the future...  

She looks cute but kinda boring.. But definitely one of the better shot though.. 

Looks beautiful and elegant.. expected more though... 

i believe she had better shot.. she looks pretty but her uneven eyes a bit uncomfortable to look at... 

She's done well... 

She's great but missing something... And i don't know what is it... Still this is one of the better ones.. 

Atrocious!! I think it's just bad... I'm sorry but she look wasted after party...

 I love her character this week! LOL! especially when she questioned the professionalism of the judges when she got bottom 2! However her photo just weak...

Love her strong pressence.. She can handle her makeover like a queen in her photo! 

Decent... but her face looks kinda weird here... 

She's really amateur...

props for Tahlia pulling out a great photo despite having that atrocious hairstyle and makeover... Wow they really ruined her amaing look!!!

First call out : Aimee
Call out order : Melissa, Monika, Chesca, Celine, Amanda, Gani, Barbara, Tahlia, KB
Bottom two : Rani & Loretta
Eliminated : Rani

Lourd Ramous need to get fired!!! Makeover is cheap and mess.. He ruined their modelesque look! I bet Georgina will never allow Ramos touch her own hair.. LOL! The photo shoot this week looks weak... The make up just bad and the styling they get just looks cheap either... And unfortunately the girls failed to delivered... The call out order was really mess, I would take Gani, Tahlia higher and Monika ended up in bottom 4... I think KB shoud've gone, yeah Rani was amateur but KB looks bad..

My call out order : Aimee, Melissa, Amanda, Tahlia, Gani, Franchesca, Celine, Barbara, Monika, Loretta, Rani & KB (out)   

1 comment :

  1. 1st Best Photo: Aimee
    2nd Runner - Up For Best Photo: Melissa
    3rd: Franchesca
    4th: Tahlia
    5th: Monika
    6th: Amanda
    7th: Celine
    8th: Gani
    9th: Barbara
    10th: Loretta
    11th Bottom Two: Rani
    12th Eliminated: KB


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