GNTM Cycle 9 15th Episode : Live Finale

Original Airdate : May 8, 2014

GNTM 9 Top 3 : Ivana, Jolina & Steffanie
After several week of challenge and photo shoot, this is the last chance for these 3 girls to take the title of Germany's Next Top Model  2014. They fought until the last second and showed everyone that they deserve a place in the finale. 

Now they have to face a big stadium with a crowd of thousands of people. 
Who will win GNTM 2014?

Ivana Tecklic
Could it be Ivana? Runway queen who always tough and never afraid to speak her mind... One of the strongest model from the beginning and with her walk she prove that she ready to jump into real modeling industry... She booked Paris Fashion Week, Berlin Fashion Week and New York Fashion Week in the show...

Jolina Fust
Will it be Jolina? The girl who get call 'boring personality' by the judges but with her beauty, piercing blue eyes, amazing performance and professionalism, she became client's favorite and booked 6 jobs more than any other girl... She choose to open Singapore's Digital Fashion Week, she booked Cosmopolitan Magazine Editorial, Emmi Chai Latte Commercial, 3 show in Berlin Fashion Week, Maybelline Jade campaign and she was Offer to sign with Elite model management while in the show...

Stefanie Giesinger
Or will it be Stefanie? The girl who improved the most during the competition. She's a dark horse who never had it easy in her life, but with her optimistic view and her charming personality Steffi became always stronger and proved she's a real contender..

In ice princesses outfits the three finalists enter the stage. 
Suddenly, fire, explosion, Glitter Rain - Heidi Klum's grand entrance! 

Heidi welcoming the girls
"You all look beautiful," Heidi to the girls

The judges : Heidi Klum, Thomas Hayo & Wolfgang Joop
After welcoming and gathers again with the TOP 20 GNTM 2014 girls in the backstage, Hayo & Joop allowed to enter the big stage and join Heidi in the panel...

Rita Ora Performing

Rita Ora performs her new song "I will never let you down", while the finalists with Top 20 girls walk in giant plastic balls on the stage

Live Photo Shoot : Rock Star Appeal

While the band performing, the finalists must prove their rock star appeal and make advertisement for a hair spray and shot by Christian Anwanderer. After performance, they will take different advertising slogans in the camera.

Actually none of them doing great... But no matter how cheap shoot they still look really modelesque and that is just a sign of great modeling potential! The judges said Jolina is the best during this photo shoot...

Ivana, Jolina and Steffi were allowed to design her own dress in advance. The runway performance to they have to think yourself. They allow to choose the music
for their runway too :)

Ivana's Design
Jolina's Design
Stefanie's Design

I think Ivana look the best, she has good fashion taste!

ProSieben (the production team) make TOP 20 Girls walk online vote, the fans and viewers should choose which girl may open the big live Walk.. Sarah, Nathalie and Betty are the top 3 for the voting and Betty is the winner!

Betty wins the Top 20 Walk
Big Live Walk
Played Vivaldi's "4 Seasons" by a classical orchestra live, Betty opened the big Top 20 Live Walk. In elegant gowns, the candidates proceed gracefully over the catwalk. The most dramatic wear dresses but of course the Steffi, Jolina and Ivana - they look like futuristic princesses!

It's getting serious... Final 2 announcement

Top 3 : Ivana, Jolina & Steffanie
First call out : Steffanie
Bottom two : Ivana & Jolina (the worst bottom two tbh!)
Eliminated : Ivana :(

Top 2
Last walk for the Top 2 with Ed Sheeran performing... The girls presenting creations of Wolfgang Joop's label "Wunderkind"

Final Moment with Heidi

Top 2 : Jolina & Stefanie
and the winner is...

Germany's Next Top Model
Stefanie Giesinger

Congrats to Stefanie for the winning! I'm happy because my favorite win this competition... Actually i more happy if Ivana or Jolina win but Stefanie is great choice too... Stefanie has a great chance in commercial and i think she has some potential too to take high fashion route but maybe not big as Ivana... I hope she find her success both local and international... once again congrats Steffie!

Finally this cycle over... one of great GNTM cycle, great cast, drama and photo shoot.. okay i admitted the photo shoot sometimes looks too cheesy and commercial but some of them looks really great... They need to back to early cycles though when the challenge, the modeling class and photo shoot more related to fashion... I love the cast, i love many of them... My pre select winner, Anna, Ivana & Jolina, my favorite Stefanie, Samantha, Sarah and Emma, and i even not hate one girl...

Stefanie's Cover prize : Cosmopolitan Magazine

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