Next Top Model Special : Fashion Week SS 2019 - New York

New York Fashion Week (which was then called "Press Week") adalah world's first ever organized fashion week yang pertama kali diadakan tahun 1943, dengan maksud untuk menarik perhatian publik dari French Fashion ketika World War II berlangsung, ketika para pelaku fashion industry kesulitan untuk travel ke Paris. Fashion publicist Eleanor Lambert organized an event she called "Press Week" to showcase American designers for fashion journalists, who had previously neglected their innovations. Press Week was a success, and fashion magazines like Vogue, which were normally filled with French designs, increasingly featured American fashion. 

New York Fashion Week consists of numerous branded events, including Mercedes-Benz Fashion Week New York and MADE Fashion Week, as well as numerous independent fashion productions around town. Sejak tahun 2009, banyak desainer yang melakukan presentasi dengan skala lebih kecil dan tidak mengadakan runway show dengan alasan masa sulit ekonomi pada saat itu.

Fashion week musim spring summer 2018 kembali diawali dengan kota New York dan sudah berlangsung sejak tanggal 5 sampai 15 September 2018 lalu dan beberapa alumnus dari Next Top Model franchise terlibat dalam perhelatan terbesar fashion ini. Siapa saja mereka? let's check it out!

Really proud to see the list is very long!! And this is the first city! Total ada 36 alumnus Top Model Show yang berjalan pada New York Fashion Week SS 2019 ini. It's really good start for our models, okay kita lihat siapa yang bersinar pada London Fashion Week SS 2019...

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