Asia's Next Top Model is Starting this March 2017!

Wow there's so much NTM show aired this ealry 2017! Lovin' it! Salah satu NTM franchise yang gw tunggu-tunggu akhirnya balik lagi! Yup Asia's Next Top Model (AsNTM) bakal balik ke layar kaca dengan season ke-5 nya di tahun 2017 ini! kenapa gw tunggu2? tentu saja karena NTM franchise ini lah satu-satu nya NTM yang ada model asal Indonesia :) Dan setelah 2 kali gagal dalam merebut gelar Asia's Next Top Model, akhirnya Gani berhasil menyabet titel model bergengsi tersebut.

AsNTM Cycle 5 - Expect the Unexpected

Untuk posisi juri, Thai Fashion Model and Beauty Queen Cindy Bishop tetap menduduki perannya sebagai host dan head judge, sedangkan posisi juri yang sebelumnya diduduki  Indonesian model Kelly Tandiono as the model mentor diduduki oleh Cara G. McIlroy, along with America's Next Top Model's Yu Tsai joining the show as the creative consultant dan model sekaligus Miss Universe dari Filipina Pia Wurtzbach sebagai guest judge. 

Casting calls sudah dilakukan sejak akhir tahun 2016 lalu di 3 kota yaitu Jakarta, Manila & Bangkok. Dan casting online untuk negara-negara Asia lainnya. Dari audisi tersebut terpilihlah 14 finalis dari berbagai negara di Asia dan inilah mereka :

Alicia Amin
Malaysia - 22 yo - 175 cm
Alicia is the quintessential wild child, having been born to a lawyer and a doctor yet forging her own path to find adventure. Working her way through odd jobs such as bartending and modelling in Melbourne and Malaysia, she’s grown into a smart, independent and energetic young woman—qualities that may help her become Asia’s Next Top Model, or draw the envy of other contestants.

Anjelica Santillan
Phillipines - 22 yo - 176 cm
Anjelica enjoys a laid-back lifestyle, and sometimes she even gets the chance to wakeboard and party with the A-listers of the Philippines, but she urgently needs to take care of her mother and brother and doesn’t have the means to do so. She joins Asia’s Next Top Model to find a career in modelling so that she can escape her financial constraints. She aims to win so she can afford a new home for herself and care for her family.

Cindy Chan
Taiwan - 19 yo - 178 cm
Cindy is the ultimate sweetheart who smiles during every conversation, has a spring in her step, and always sees the glass as half full. She’s young and idealistically believes in staying positive, making her vulnerable for a rude awakening in the high-stakes competition of AsNTM. Can she survive the merciless modelling world, or will she prove that her youthful optimism is her power that will see her through the tough challenges before her?

Clara Tan
Indonesia - 21 yo - 170 cm
Clara has had things come easy to her as an only child, but she soon realizes she needs to be independent and have a strong will to survive on AsNTM. Deep inside, she has a delicate soul, ready to protect her loved ones and stand up for them. This little bug is ready to transform a shining butterfly on the Top Model platform. Just wait and see.

Dorothy Petzold
Thailand - 18 yo - 176 cm
Hailing from the paradise island of Phuket, Dorothy actually believes that “life is a beach,” flashing her dazzling smile freely and always ready for a good time. Her fun-loving ways allow her to be silly around the other models. But in front of the camera, Dorothy puts her game face on, and her determination to win is no joke.

Heidi Grods
Thailand - 25 yo - 178 cm
Heidi has seen a lot in her personal journey, having been forced to grow up at a young age to care for her mother while fighting her own internal battles. Through these, she has survived and seen the light as well as earned a resilience that will make her a tough competitor to beat in Asia’s Next Top Model. This sweet woman knows her strengths—will they take her to the top?

Jennica Sanchez
Phillipines - 20 yo - 168 cm
Jennica’s awesome outgoing personality earned her shouts of encouragement from the auditions all the way to landing in Asia’s Next Top Model. In the competition, she’ll use this charm to come into her own as an alluring young woman and hope that it will electrify her photographs. Her irresistible appeal might work for the camera, but will it divide her from her fellow contestants?

Layla Ong
Singapore - 20 yo - 175 cm
Although she stumbled onto the steps of a renowned modelling agency in Singapore to become a fashion sensation in London, Layla does not rely on just chance. One of triplets, she was the black sheep in the family who paved her own way in life, and today she works hard to prove that she’s more than a natural-born model. AsNTM will be the proving ground for her hard work and fashion experience.

Maureen Wroblewitz
Phillipines - 18 yo - 168 cm
Discovered on Instagram by a modelling agent when she was only 15 years old, Maureen completed her studies and took a leap of faith, moving from Germany to the Philippines to pursue a bona fide modelling career. Like any teenager, she’s full of dreams and believes that all of them are possible if you just go for them. Her soft-spoken and good girl demeanour may fool the other contestants, but they’ll soon find out how her effortless fierce stare can be picture-perfect.

Singapore - 18 yo - 178 cm
In just one year since she started modelling, Nametha has done the rounds of Singapore’s fashion scene and party scene, hitting the clubs and partying with who’s who of the brands that want her on AsNTM. Since winning The New Paper New Face competition in 2015, she has hit the runways and done different kinds of photo shoots, exuding natural modelling skills and a rebellious nature that has propelled her career in the modelling industry.

Shikin Gomez
Malaysia - 24 yo - 177 cm
Shikin considers herself a woman of the new age, unapologetically pursuing her modelling career despite coming from a traditional family. She believes that everyone has the right to achieve their dreams, and AsNTM is her big opportunity to do so. Her eye is set on the exclusive high-fashion world, and she’ll reveal the intriguing layers under her quiet confidence and resilience as she makes her way through the challenges.

Tu Nguyen
Vietnam - 24 yo - 178 cm
Fierce and fearless, Tu would be just the type who could push others out of the way to get to the top. She’s assertive, ambitious and strong-willed, and she commands attention while walking down the runway with her curvy physique. She’s disciplined about fitness, and won’t hesitate to speak her mind with her sharp tongue—only because she thinks it’s the right thing to do. Tu is the force to be reckoned with on AsNTM Season 5.

Valerie Krasnadewi
Indonesia - 24 yo - 172 cm
Valerie and her twin sister Veronika were the first twins on Asia’s Next Top Model, and both were poised to take it by storm with their high energy. That is, of course, until they had to face off with each other. Outspoken and adventurous, Valerie may believe she is the leader of the pair, but the high stakes of the competition may make her realise how much she really needs her sister, and that they are simply better together.

Veronika Krasnadewi
Indonesia - 24 yo - 172 cm
Veronika will always speak her mind, and as the self-proclaimed responsible one of the pair, she always looks out for her twin sister Valerie. Although her sister feels she leads, Valerie knows the way to win, and she dreams of becoming a big star on-screen with her sister by her side. Both sisters serve as a breath of fresh air on AsNTM with their light-heartedness, and they show that Top Models must also have a sense of humour to survive the challenges.

The girls look interesting but however i prefer last cycle though.. but we'll see :)

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