AusNTM Cycle 9 10th Episode : Elle Magazine Editorial Finale Photo Shoot

Original Airdate : July 2, 2015

Finale Photo Shoot : Elle Magazine Editorial

Actually britt looks stoned.. but with that face she can't do wrong thought.. She looks gorgeous!!

She looks really great! The best she ever looked... With that photo she prove that she can do editorial too not only commercial or catalog.. 

Top 2

Britt & Lucy
and the winner is...

Australia's Next Top Model 
Brittany Beattie

Congrats to Britt for winning! I'm so happy that my favorite from beginning is the winner! She, Alex, Lauren and Jess are my pre select winner from the start! And at this stage i'm happy that Britt win and not Lucy because she has more potential to get success in real modeling industry, with her face she can do commercial and high fashion easily... And with JPG  booked she prove that she's a star! She need and must expand her work internationally... Once again... Congrats Britt!!

Finally this show is over with a bang! They choose a rightfully winner... I think this cycle was much better than cycle 8.. Amazing cast, entertaining with queen Alex and Ayieda, and fashion related challenge... The only weak point is the photo shoot that looks kinda boring.. even the international destination shot... Hopefully they doing it better next cycle... Btw congrats Lauren, AusNTM fan Fave!

Top 13 with Tyra Banks

Finale Runway with Zahra

Finale Runway with Brittany

Finale Runway with Jess

Finale Runway with Alex

Finale Runway with Lucy

Finale Runway with Lauren

Finale Runway with IZI

Finale Runway with Phoebe

Finale Runway with Ayieda

Finale Runway with Cassie

Finale Runway with Kaitlyn

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