AsNTM Cycle 3 1st Episode : High Fashion Swimwear Photo Shoot

Original Airdate : March 25, 2015

Photo Shoot : High Fashion Swimwear

Love her innocent look but still have that sensuality aura... 

She maybe the youngest there but she slay the swimwear shot! 

One of the best body! 

Body looks great but her face could've been better... 

a bit too posy for my taste but she looks beautiful 

She looks stunning but her body just not for the swim wear modeling... 

She's doing well but forgettable... 

She's doing good.. like her lips in this picture... 

 Surprisingly she doing great! She looks gorgeous!

Same with Celine... Face coul've been better... 

Wish we can see her face clearly... and the hair piece ruin this photo 

Decent picture... but she's just not a model... 

gorgeous ethnic face and skin color! but her body and pose looks so weak... 

So sexy! I think she succeed to sell the sexy swimwear but still look high fashion!

First call out : Amanda
Call out order : Barbara, Monika, Tahlia, Gani, Aimee, Loretta, KB, Chesca, Melissa, Kiana, Rani
Bottom two : Celine & Shareeta
Eliminated : Shareeta

Gorgeous first photo shoot!!! Hopefully this is a good sign for another stunning set of photo! The girls performance looking great especially this is their first shot in the competition, but some of them play safe to be honest and looks pretty boring... Can't wait for the make-overs and hopefully can pull some individual style out of the girls, because right now all of their hairstyles are so similar that nobody is really standing out all that much..


  1. Tahlia deserves to get the best photo this week. Her photo is stunning. Amanda is great but not enough to get the FCO. I love Barbara's and Aimee's shot too. I have put a lot of expectations on Gani but her first photo looks kinda safe. I hope Celine will have some progress on the next episode too...

  2. Yes i think Tahlia more deserve to get the first call out.. She looks hot but still fashion.. None of them looks bad but just a few that stand out this week... My favorites are Tahlia, Amanda, Aimee & Barbara.. Hopefully Gani doing better next week!

  3. do you know where to download or streaming this episode of asntm? because i ddon't have star world channel in my house.

  4. yes i have the link, but i prefer give it to you via direct message (maybe email or something) because the link is not mine... :)

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  6. 1st Best Photo: Tahlia
    2nd Runner - Up For Best Photo: Barbara
    3rd: Amanda
    4th: Loretta
    5th: Gani
    6th: Kiana
    7th: Monika
    8th: Aimee
    9th: KB
    10th: Rani
    11th: Celine
    12th: Franchesca
    13th Bottom Two: Shareeta
    14th Eliminated: Melissa


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