EstNTM Cycle 3 7th Episode : Optical Illusion Photo Shoot

Original Airdate : January 29, 2015

Photo Shoot : Optical Illusion

She looks so pretty and cute as always.. 

Weak shots... At least she give more expression...  

He doing great... Best photo of the week... 

She's really photogenic... Photo kinda looks good but if we talk about illusion, she should have bent her knees a bit more to pretend she was actually sitting in the chair. It just looks like she's floating above it..   

He doing well..

She's doing better than Gerili... Wish she's more commited into the theme and give more dynamic pose and expression... 

 WTF wih the pose??

Kinda decent and more believable than some other shot...

First photo shoot : Hendrik
Call out order : Katja, Gerili, Aule, Sandro, Kevin
Bottom two : Stefani & Liise
Eliminated : Stefani

Such a bad version of ANTM's optical illusion... The quality of the photo itself looks so basic and some of these photos don't even have an optical illusion to them, they're just lying on the ground.. Actually Stefani did good but she was the weakest link of the group at this level and her portfolio kinda underwhelming so agree about the elimination...

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