Germany's Next Top Model : Klum Show is Back!

Germany's Next Top Model (GNTM) akan kembali hadir di tahun 2014 ini untuk cycle ke-9 nya! Yupp Miss Heidi Klum ternyata masih getol mencari calon-calon top model berbakat asal German walaupun show ini sendiri mendapat sentimen negatif dari publik, mulai dari GNTM yang tidak ada hubungannya dengan real fashion industry, banyaknya peserta yang quit selama kompetisi berlangsung, cat fight and drama yang terlalu berlebihan dan tentu saja ini GNTM disebut sebagai ajang narsis bagi supermodel Heidi Klum.

Heidi Klum - Host of Germany's Next Top Model

Heidi Klum - Host of Germany's Next Top Model

Heidi Klum - Host of Germany's Next Top Model

Wow she still has great body even in her 40 and 4 kids now... Yup sama dengan Tyra Banks di ANTM posisi Heidi Klum tidak tergantikan di GNTM karena itu ditambahkan : by Heidi Klum pada brand GNTM. Ada sedikit perbedaan antara format GNTM dan ANTM, While the American version's season premieres start with thirty-something semi-finalists and they are cut down to a batch of ten to fourteen contestants, Germany's Next Topmodel season premieres begin with highlights from the auditions of 100 candidates (cycles 1 and 2) and 120 candidates (cycle 3) respectively.. and for this cycle they'll have 70 candidates. Perbedaan lainnya, ketika penjurian GNTM para model dinilai satu persatu dan model lainnya akan menunggu diluar ruangan penjurian.

GNTM 9 sudah dimulai sejak 6 February lalu, dan sama seperti cycle sebelumnya, GNTM diproduksi oleh RedSeven Entertainment dan disiarkan oleh channel ProSieben. Untuk posisi juri, kali ini diduduki oleh Thomas Hayo dan Wolfgang Joop menggantikan Enrique Badulescu pada cycle sebelumnya. Untuk prize tidak banyak perbedaan : A modeling contract with Günther Klum's OneEins Management, A spread & cover in German Cosmopolitan and  €250.000 cash prize ($333.575).

To be honest, walaupun GNTM kadang menjadi flop (biasanya karena ajang full of Heidi dan mess up elimination order) tapi tetap menjadi salah satu favorit NTM franchise favorit gw... Original and fashion related photo shoot and amazing crop of models wannabe... GNTM selalu hadir dengan cast yang stand out, yes stunning young models with great height (batas umur GNTM adalah 16 tahun dengan tinggi badan minimal 176 cm)...  GNTM cycle 9 akan dimulai dengan 25 model finalist dan ini lah mereka : 

Aminata Ibinong
18 YO - 178 cm - Bergisch-Gladbach (originally from Ivory Coast)

 Harsh face and need to work on her body proportions... Not my cup of tea but love her skin tone... She looks like will be the diva of this cycle...

Anna Lena Wilken
17 YO - 181 cm - Wittmund

Stunning face with great cheekbone! she looks like a magical fairy or something, so beautiful... Definitely one of my favorite this year! I think she didn't need GNTM.. She just need to get signed ASAP...  Hope she goes far...

Antonia Balzer
16 YO - 176 cm - Hopperganten

Cute but more actressy side... Pretty girl but not a model i guess... And she looks short even with that height...

Betty Taube
18 YO - 176 cm - Ludersdorf

That damn legs!! She's same with Antonia height but looks more taller... pretty girls but more fit as commercial model... She's there with her sob story of the cycle, her mom tried out as a Model and failed. Then her mum was "very sad all the time" (maybe depressive?!) and since Betty was eleven she lives in a protectory.

Emma Kahlert
18 YO - 176 cm - Heidelberg

Such a stunning beauty. STUNNING! Completely babe of this cycle! I can see her work as VS model and Editorial in the same time! She's remind me of Elizabeth Braithwaite - AusNTM Cycle 7 but more modelesque version... And i love how she has dorky side in her promo picture... One of my favorite!!

Fata Hoiken
18 YO - 176 cm -Berlin (originally from Kosovo)

Very pretty but kind of boring.. Need to see more... Maybe she'll surprise us...

Franziska Wimmer
17 YO - 184 cm - Neumarkt-Sankt Veit

 least favorite... great height but that's it... i think she's the filler of the cycle.... No for me...

Ina Barták
21 YO - 176 cm - Munchen (originally from Czech Republic)

 Gorgeous but still not convince with her look... need to see more...

Ivana Teklic
18 YO - 178 cm - Bad Homburg (heritage from Bosnia and Herzegovina)

 That first picture sold me! Gorgeous and tons of potential! Right body and her face photographs like a dream even with doughy shape... and i love the kind of bored "I'm over it" look she naturally gives off.. LOL... One of my favorite!

Jana Heinisch
19 YO - 176 cm - Bremen

Beautiful and interesting face! i love her hair and jawline... maybe one of the better models this year... another favorite :p

Jill Schmitz
22 YO - 177 cm -  Pétange (originally from Luxembourg)

 Cute but not a model... Why is she in the cast? screams filler to me right now...

Jolina Fust
16 YO - 180 cm -Hamburg

She's look mature for her age but really stunning! Her look is "IN" right now! She's already a model, the rumor is she was walk for fashion week and she was also signed with Next Model London and Milan... So WHAT ON EARTH is she doing on GNTM? But absolutely one of my favorite :)

Karlin Ivana Wiseman
17 YO - 176 cm - Ludwigshafen (originally from Republic of the Congo)

Better than Aminata but not stand out enough in this amazing cast... I hope she'll do good in the competition... and I can see her being one of those girls that just gets better and better as she matures.

Laura Haas
19 YO - 176 cm - Muenchen 

Looks mature than other girl especially in her press shoot with cosmopolitan... a bit manly but looks fun in her promos and i wish she can pull androgynous ugly pretty girl from her inside...

Laura Kristen
18 YO - 176 cm - Hof

 Pretty but forgettable... need to see more...

Lisa Gelbrich
17 YO - 176 cm - Ilfeld (heritage from Russia)

She is definition of make up addict... Yes she cleaned up so well for her promo shoots but her candid was sa bad.... It's such a shame that she thinks she needs all that plastic stuff because she's really beautiful underneath it all.. And even Heidi told her at audition : "Cut them extensions off right now or go home!" Ms. Klum rocks!

Lisa Seibert
18 YO - 178 cm - Wiesbaden (heritage from Russia)

   Another pretty brunette boring girl... but she looks like the clown of the bunch LOL at her promo picture... She can be good, Lets see what she can do

Nancy Nagel
21 YO - 178 cm - Schneeberg

One of the oldest girl and she has  a baby... Definitely have amazing body but her face not stand out enough and not the fresher either... But she remind me to Sophie AusNTM 6, who looks so basic but transformed well in front of the camera.... 

Nathalie Volk
16 YO - 175 cm - Soltau

Young, great body and striking beautiful face! She's the shortest but still it's 175 cm.... Her face is naturally sexy and i think she has some edge in it... She has mean bitch face and full of herself and claims doesn't have any weaknesses.. Very confidence girl but there's nothing wrong in being confident, especially when you have a face and body like that LOL!

Pauline Cottin
18 YO - 178 cm - Trier

Super cute and innocent girl!! not 100% sure but i see something special in her! She can do edgy if she get more practice... Kinda remind me of Jane Randall ANTM 15 mix with Chantal ANTM 9 and Tamara from PolNTM....

Sainabou Sosseh
16 YO - 177 cm - Gröpelingen (heritage from Gambia)

 Very pretty cute commercial princess! She can make $$$ with that commercial smile... Heidi loves girls like her, so I'm pretty sure she makes it far..

Samantha Brock
17 YO - 179 cm - Berlin

i like her pretty ugly quality! not conventional beauty but she has something glowing that makes her picture looks interesting... Great walk, unique face and shining personality make me like her... And i living for her promo pictures (especially the one of just her foot!). Hoping that she just doesn't a give a ****. 

Sarah Weinfurter
16 YO - 176 cm - Kassel

Another stunning beauty! Her face looks victorian beauty with elegant quality...
One of the best faces this cycle and she photographes so beautifully and she seems to understand her angles well enough... top 5 pls!

Simona Hartl
17 YO - 176 cm - Roding

Pretty girl and She really has such a nice body considering how young she is! For 16 year old her body is insane cause she is not only thin but also has boobs and her waist is on point.. Need to see more...

Stefanie Giesinger
17 YO - 177 cm - Kaiserslautern

Really cute, young, fresh and photogenic! Her features remind me of Amanda Ware AusNTM 6 Winner and kinda remind me of Brittany Brown ANTM 19 too but definitely more modelesque version...

That's all the girls... Amazing cast with some stunner.. Skarang kita tunggu aja kompetisi GNTM yang sudah berlangsung...Semoga lagi-lagi Heidi ga milih pemenang yng malah flop di real modeling industry... Amen!

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