Vietnam's Next Top Model : Coming Soon!

Satu lagi franchise dari NTM yang akan kembali pada tahun 2013, yup Vietnam's Next Top Model (VNTM) kembali untuk cycle ke-4! dan rencananya akan mulai broadcast pada bulan October.. VNTM telah menjadi salah satu show dengan  highest-rated di Vietnam sejak tahun 2010. Walaupun sejak kemunculannya banyak menimbulkan kontroversi seperti bocornya urutan eliminasi di cycle 2 oleh para kontestan yang akhirnya mereka harus menanggung tuntutan dari produser sebesar $714.000 (15 billions VND) karena contract violation sampai pemboykotan dari penonton... Tapi VNTM tetap kembali dengan format baru yang lebih segar!  So excited! because VNTM always give real fierceness of Asia! 

Pham Thu Thang Hang, new host of VNTM 4
Top Model Vietnam, Phạm Thị Thanh Hằng akan menjadi host dari VNTM cycle 4 menggantikan Nguyễn Xuân Lan yang pensiun sebagai host pada 2 cycle sebelumnya...
Đinh Nam Trung dan Do Manh Curong akan kembali menduduki kursi mereka sebagai judge namun ada yang istimewa dari cycle ke-4 ini, Adam Williams, celebrity choreographer & runway coach, yang sebelumnya bisa kita lihat pada AusNTM cycle 7, membantu proses casting dan memilih para models wannabe...
Judges : Adam Williams,  Đinh Nam Trung, Phạm Thị Thanh Hằng & Do Manh Curong
 VNTM adalah NTM franchise pertama yang mengikuti jalur ANTM : Boys VS Girls... Yup VNTM akan diramaikan oleh model pria pada tahun ini. Audisi telah selesai diadakan dan udah terpilih 18 calon Vietnam's Next Top Model cycle ke-4

Cha Mi
 21 YO & 5'9, great height and cute... she may be not the strongest but  she have potential.. Interested in seeing what she could produce.

Hang Nguyen
20 YO & 5'9, Gorgeous face and great body! Winner please! I hope she can pull something special because I'm afraid she won't win.. she's sooooo similar to Maika (winner of VNTM)

Lihn Phan
 21 YO & 5'9, Eh, her nose bothers me. I'm not sure about her but her body is amaing! in season 2 she only make in top 22 not finalist, so im ok with her comeback because she looks better now.. 

Mai Ngo
 18 YO & 5'7, Not really loving her face, nor her height, and her hips look kinda big there. First out for me to be honest...

Ngan Do
 20 YO & 5'9''5,love her square face! She's gorgeous but her body isn't good from her other pre show photo...

Thanh Nguyen
 20 YO & 5'10, interesting face and she has the best body of the cycle.. I think she is made for runway...

Thao Le
23 YO & 5'8, Beautiful & stunning bone structure and remind me of edgier Eun Saem KNTM 4...

Thoa Pham
24 YO & 5'9, Her look is very harsh and not fresh but loving that superbitch attitude she's bringing in her promo shot LOL!

Thu Dinh
 22 YO & 5'8, I see Ha Eun from KNTM 4, but  more versatile/less pop-star(y) version. WHAT A BODY !

Thuy Mau
 21 YO & 5'10, Stunning face, and tall! YAY! Definitely a fave for me! Thủy have classic South Vietnam beauty look! Top 2 please!


Bihn Ta

 21 YO & 6'0, handsome and has potential but his legs look short... maybe just bad angle??

Dai Tran
21 YO & 6'1, Very handsome (not in this picture thought) all the girls will love him... but he need to gain more weight and muscle.

Kian Le
 20 YO & 6'2, Definitely got good angles in his face but the rumor is he have done chin, noise, cheek jobs.. Plastic!!

Kien Tran
21 YO & 6'1, I like his square faces/jaws makes his feature more strong... He is the most masculine looks out all of the guys in my opinion... 

 24 YO & 6'2, former teen idol.. He looks too cute for modelling but still have tons potential!

Trung Nguyen
20 YO & 6'0, Interesting face and need to see more.. but i do think he's going to produce some either GREAT or BLAH work!

Tong Nguyen
 22 YO & 6'2, Great body and measurement and he's got that cute-boy next door thing going on... 

Viet Vu
21 YO & 6'1, Good face, good body & good height but he try too hard to doing his poses and come off cheesy!

Overall i think the cast was better than ANTM 20 especially the girls! And the boys have tons potential too.. So excited to watch this show... I don't know about the personality because asian is more shy and not open like American.. Hopefully the boys will bring  drama because that's what this show didn't have since cycle 1... High expectation for this NTM series!   
Cast of VNTM 4 & the judges

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