Next Top Model Special : Fashion Week FW 2020 - Paris

Akhirnya sampai juga di kota terakhir pergelaran Fashion Week, Paris setelah sebelumnya sudah dilaksanakan di 3 fashion city lainnya, New York, London dan Milan. Paris Fashion Week are determined by the French Fashion FederationThese runway shows are held to show the fashion industry what the various labels will be releasing and to increase sales for the brands. Currently, Fashion Week is held in the Carrousel du Louvre, as well as at various other venues throughout the city. 

Setelah sukses pada fashion week lainnya bagaimana performa para model alumnus NTM franchise pada kota terakhir ini Maret 2020 lalu dan siapa saja mereka yang mampu menunjukkan sinarnya di Fashion Week tahun ini? Let's check it out!

Dengan berakhirnya Paris Fashion Week berakhir pula pergelaran fashion week untuk 4 top city musim ini. What a glorious season for Top Model alumna!! Fantastic!!


  1. Hello guys, could you please delete this post of me on twitter?

    Thank you!


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