VNTM Cycle 7 8th Episode : Posing with Motorbike in the Desert & Beauty Shoot with Reptiles Photo Shoot

Original Airdate : September 4, 2016

Photo Shoot : Posing with Motorbike in the Desert

Huy Duong

Huy Quang

Kim Nha

Minh Phong

Ngoc Chau

Nguyen Phuong

Thanh Thanh

Thieu Lan

Thu Huong

Thuy Tram

Thuy Trang

Photo Shoot : Beauty Shot with Reptiles

Huy Duong

Huy Quang

Kim Nha

Minh Phong

Ngoc Chau

Nguyen Phuong

Thanh Thanh

Thieu Lan

Thu Huong

Thuy Tram

Thuy Trang

First call out : Thanh Thanh
Call out order : Thuy Huong, Huy Quang, Minh Phong, Ngoc Chau, Thuy Trang, Thieu Lan 
Bottom four : Huy Duong, Kim Nha, Nguyen Phuong & Thuy Tram 
Eliminated : Huy Duong & Nguyen Phuong :(

Nice photo shoot but really bad elimination.. I mean they eliminate 2 of the best model there.. And they're performance and portfolio far more better than some of the models left like Kim Nha, Thuy Tram, Thu Huong and Ngoc Chau... I can see this as one of the bad elimination in VNTM history and maybe NTM show overall...

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