AsNTM Cycle 4 5th Episode : Maybelline New York IT Girl Photo Shoot

Original Airdate : April 7, 2016

Photo Shoot : Maybelline New York IT Girl

Patricia - May - Jessica
 I think this is my favorite group... May clearly stand out! She looks so fresh, beautiful, relaxed and now what she did... Patricia come close, and Jess looks a bit aold fashion with her pose.. But still gorgeous, they all blend together!

Sang In - Aldilla - Julian
 The weakest team... Sang In look confused in her face but her pose looks great, Aldilla and Julian failed, they look awkward, Wish Aldilla look to the camera because her face just stunning!

Tuti - Angie - Tawan
 I think Tuti did the best here... I like how cool she is with her skateboard... Angie look lost and unsure.. Tawan's face looks gorgeous but i'm not a huge fan of her hunched pose...

First call out : May
Call out order : Sang In, Patricia, Tuti, Tawan, Angie, Aldilla
Bottom two : Julian & Jessica
Eliminated : Jessica :( 

I expected more from the photo shoot.. I think it's look cheap and tacky... They deserved solo shoot not group like that... So sad with Jessica's elimination, it's not her best performance but still not deserve the boot... I think she's doing better than Julian, Aldilla and Angie this week... And her portfolio just constantly strong week after week...


  1. Yeah I kinda think that Jessica is underrated. :( Tho I'm happy that Julian is Safe. For me, it was Aldilla who did the worst this episode, I love her but I think she lost it since she landed at the bottom.

  2. yes so sad that Jessica leaving too early.. She's in my personal top 5... Great face, great body, has modeling skill & potential and she bring drama...


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