ANTM Cycle 22 16th Episode : Finale Runway (Finale Part 2)

Original Airdate : December 5, 2015

Photo Shoot : Zappos Couture Editorial

First call out


Call out order





Who will be the last America's Next Top Model!?
Akhirnya kita sampai di episode final dari ANTM cycle 22 (yang kabarnya juga menjadi cycle terakhir dari ANTM T_T ). Episode dimulai dengan presentasi terakhir para top 4, They all doing  great and really have determination to take the title... yeah all the models were really deserving this spot!

Finale Runway





Mame slay the runway with her stunning confidence walk while Nyle a bit off tempo and walk too fast... But i love how Ms. Jay tell other judges i finale panel that he was the one who tell Nyle to walk faster...

Top 2 : Mame & Nyle

The final two battle it out for Rocky Gathercole. 
and the winner is...

America's Next Top Model
Nyle DiMarco

Congrats to Nyle for winning.. He's my favorite guy and one of my pre-select winner to win the competition... Actually i prefer Mame than Nyle, she's really gorgeous girl with stunning portfolio and strong walk but Nyle is great winner too and he had tons potential with his great face, body, personality and charisma...  So i'm happy whoever win between this two... Now i wish Nyle and all the models get serious in their modeling career and jump in industry right away!  Again Congrats Mr. DiMarco!

So sad that this is the last cycle when Tyra and production team succeed to produce one of best cycle ever! Great photo shoot, fashion aspect, judges, drama, winner and the models... and i'm glad that Nyle stopped Keith from being the only male winner ANTM will ever have! LOL!

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