America's Next Top Model Cycle 22 : No Height Requirement

America's Next Top Model kembali dengan cycle ke-22 nya!! ANTM kembali dengan special cycle nya, yup seperti cycle 13 yang merupakan petite cycle, kali ini  ANTM kembali hadir dengan format yang mirip tapi sedikit berbeda yaitu no height requirement jadi tidak ada batas tinggi untuk model yang berkompetisi, boleh tinggi boleh pendek... Untuk cycle ke-22 ini, ANTM tetap dengan format guys vs girls nya namun yang berbeda adalah tidak adanya lagi system vote social media dari audience... 

Cast of ANTM Cycle 22

ANTM akan hadir mulai 5 Agustus 2015 di stasiun CW, tentu saja Tyra Bank sebagai host tidak tergantikan... Tyra BanksKelly Cutrone and J. Alexander will return to the judging panel, with photographer Yu Tsai remaining as creative direct. For the first time since cycle 18, this cycle will feature guest judges including interior designers Jonathan and Drew Scott, supermodel Chrissy Teigen and fashion designer Joe Zee. Untuk hadiah terdiri dari  a modeling contract with NEXT Model Management and a spread   in Nylon magazine. Zappos will become a new prize for the series, the winner will be chosen for a US$100,000 contract to become the face of the Zappos Couture's 2016 re-launch. Here are the model wannabe!

Ashley & Dustin
Ashley looks really beautiful but not sure as a model though... Same with her, Dustin also looks really great but not an editorial model.. But i can see them success in commercial modeling thought... 

Ava & Nyle
Such a shame that Ava is short.. Her face looks stunning with her strong jawline.. I can see her in makeup campaign.. Nyle looks so great!  

Bello & Courtney
Bello looks the worst but i can see Tyra and tghe gang will praise him :( ... in other hand Courtney has something... Promising!

Delanie & Devin
 Delanie looks so gorgeous but in motion she looks old with too much make up.. she need to look like this every time! Devin looks weird but he has unique face and i think he can perform well in the competition...

Hadassah & Justin
Beautiful girl! And Justin looks decent too! a bit bland though... 

Lacey & Stefano
Maybe the best girl.. Lacey has what it takes! Strong face! Stefano just great! one of the better boys! 

Mame & Mikey
Mame looks stunning!!! Her face just fierce!! And she's kinda tall!! Mikey looks great but this promo shoot just don't do his justice...

Actually, minus Bello, the cast looking great!! Hopefully ANTM back to real modeling competition and not a joke this year...



  2. Iya :( tapi sesuai tema nya Not too short not too tall... mirip-mirip petite cycle ANTM 13


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