AusNTM Cycle 9 9th Episode : High Fashion Designs in the Streets of New York City Photo Shoot

Original Airdate : June 25, 2015

Photo Shoot : High Fashion Designs in the Streets of  New York City

First call out

Another hideous outfit... Random pose but her face looks so stunning.. Her face can't do wrong...

Call out order


She doing great at the set.. She produce powerful pose and energy but she's hard to control her face...



 Wow.. that outfit looks... hideous.. It's a great and strong pose and she actually did great in making her outfit look good..

 I think she's doing the best in the set... The pose look dynamic and her energy was on top but in the end why they choose the lifeless one??

Wow... the styling looks hideous.. the styling was really bad... and the photo shoot kinda amateurish.. it's so disappointed because this is top 4 photo shoot and photographed by Nigel Barker... This maybe the worst destination photo shoot that AusNTM ever produce... High fashion?? hmmm not really... Based on the photo shoot and challenge, Brittany and Alex deserve the place in top 2

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