SweNTM Cycle 7 29th, 30th, 31st & 32nd Episodes : Boat Trip in Pairs Photo Shoot

29th Episode
Original Airdate : April 14, 2014

This episode more focus on Ellinor & Kevin relationship

30th Episode 
Original Airdate : April 15, 2014

Challenge : Gender Swap
The remaining models had to walk in swap gender character. The models who do the best got opportunity to choose new partner.

Winner : Kevin
Call out order : Feben, Michael, Ellinor, Jennifer, Elzana, Kostas & Agnes
And the new pairs are : Kevin choose Ellinor, Feben with Kostas, Michael pick Elzana and last couple are Jennifer and Agnes.

31st Episode
Original Airdate : April 16, 2014

Photo Shoot : Boat Trip in Pairs

Agnes & Jennifer

Agnes & Jennifer
Overall it's a good performance but Jennifer face really ruin this picture... Once again Agnes prove that she has the most modeling potential out of the girls.. She looks beautiful and her body movement looks great too... While Jennifer had a weakest performance

Ellinor & Kevin


I think it's in the middle level... Not bad but not that great either... Unfortunately Ellinor looks like a kid remind me to Elle Fanning in busted version... And Kevin not helping either...

Elzana & Michael


They look like brother and sister! I love Michael smile, it's not cheesy at all! but Elzana looks unhappy...

Feben & Kostas

Feben & Kostas
 They build chemistry with each other! Feben's smile look the best and commercial theme like this is her forte and Kostas's smile looks great :) 

32nd Episode
Original AIrdate : April 17, 2014

The contestants go to panel to have their photos evaluated. Once everyone has been evaluated, Jennifer and Elzana are asked to step forward. In the end, Jennifer is save again  and Elzana must leave the competition.

Best Group/pair : Kostantinos & Feben

Call out order : Agnes, Michael, Ellinor & Kevin

Bottom two : Jennifer & Elzana
Eliminate : Elzana (wtf!)

WTF! Elzana out?? yeah her photo was one of the weakest but absolutely not the worst, i think Jennifer & Ellinor doing worst than her... Sh*t! this show fall flat! After no fashion shoot at all, cheap challenge and now they eliminate the modelesque finalist (Joakim, David, Astrid, Fanny, Elzana).. I think they keeping Jennifer because she has bold personality and Kevin & Ellinor for their love story-line, Ellinor is modelesque but im afraid she'll be  known as a reality TV star instead of a model. Michael need to toned up his muscle, Feben is in commercial side, Konsta is Ok for now and i only see Agnes, the only girl left that truly can work as a model (internationally aswell)...     

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