AusNTM Cycle 8 10th Episode : 90's Androgyny in B&W Photo Shoot

Original Airdate : 10 September, 2013

Seperti episode - episode sebelumnya, AusNTM dibuka dengan ekspresi perasaan mereka pada last panel. They talk about how they are going to miss Shannon. Perasaan Shanali yang menjadi bottom 2 bersama Shannon setelah picture of the week yang ia dapatkan pada surfer photo shoot. Ga lama Jen Mail datang, Jen Mail tells them to 'Man Up'

Kemudian para model dibawa ke sebuah lapangan rugby dan bertemu Jen di sana (Jen is actually there at the challenge! :o) dan menanyakan kata Androgyny pada peserta, dan hanya Shanali yang tahu artinya (LOL Shanali teaches these clueless bitches what it actually is!) and Dajana thinks androgyny is a fashion designer (LOL)! Chris Smith, model and ex-rugby player, comes to help them man up... Now that is a male model. Fu​ck off Dildo! Chris is going to take them through rugby exercises.. Actually the girls do pretty good, Jade yang bisa melakukan push up sampai hitungan puluhan (wow!), dan juga Shanali yang berhasil meng tackle Melissa. Abbie doesn't know her left and right creating hilarious results!

Photo Shoot : 90's Androgyny in B&W

First call out

I really like this shot of her. Simple, but she looks great. I'm happy she finally got a FCO.

Call out order

 The photographer loves her and they said they just need 3 minutes to get stellar photo from her. I love her, but I'm not really feeling this shot. That being said, she was only on set for three minutes. I think she can do better if they give her more time to work in it

 It's definitely a fashion shot, but it's the same thing she has been doing for the last 10 weeks. Also.. the more I look at it the more her neck to head ratio in this pic is freaking me out. This shot looks like it's right from 90s editorial indeed.

Bottom three

 Stunning! She looks so handsome LOL Great for that though. That means she's versatile.


 Dajana struggles.I think her bone structure doesn't take short hair well. looks like a slightly chubby metrosexual man. 

 There's no androgyny on her face enough as others. But her face looks so stunning! i get Coco Rocha Vibe from her! Not surprising that she delivered a great photo because that's what she has been doing week after week. 

It's great episode! They all really hillarious and i love Abbie, Duckie, Jade & Dajana they are funny girl! Again i hate when they do double eliminate! Especially in this level when the girls step up their game and the competition get really hard... It's hard to watch Jade being eliminate, she delivered a great photo week after week and she has great personality! Finally Dajana was out, she was the weakest model and i think she just there for her personality...   

My call out order : Abbie, Duckie, Jade, Shanali, Melissa & Dajana (out). 

Greetings from the drag kings!

Challenge : May the best man win?
The girls arrive home and their living room has been changed into hair and make up. Charlotte menantang mereka untuk act menjadi pria bersama seorang drag kingThey brought in to help them get into character. The girls are getting transformed into Male Models. The girls have to style themselves.Dan tantangannya mereka akan masuk ke sebuah cafe dan berbaur sebagai cowok, Jo Thornley, aktris, akan mencoba mengetes mereka sebagai pria... As stupid as the challenge is it's been pretty funny so far. Jade, Dajana, Abbie and Duckie's characters are hilarious. LOL

 Abbie goes for a Surfer look.. Abbie is grabbing her crotch and everything. 'bit of ball scratching' haha!!!! Jo is trying to keep a straight face. She said she was hilarious.. 

 Dajana is a woggy mafia business man. Her accent is hilarious!

Duckie thinks she looks like Samuel L Jackson. Goes for a Tradie Look called Trey. Duckie strolls in and orders a coke instead of a Latte because it's manly. Trey is pretty blokey and she does really well. The most convincing as a guy. 

 Jade is a Parisian Hipster Artist called Jaques. She orders a green tea... in Spanish...LOL!! Jo asks her translate some French and she just makes it up!

Melissa is called Matt and is an 18 year old band drummer. At the cafe she introduces herself as Melissa to Jo (LOL)... she was the least convincing. 


 Shanalis as a business man, Shamul. She wasn't very convincing.

Challenge Winner : Duckie
As her prize Duckie get new computer (Woohoo!).


  1. dajana was the weakest girl there.
    Her attitude with Alex (wanker) Perry.
    Melissa should've left. Jade was way better than her.

  2. My Call - Out Order:
    1st Best Photo: Abbie
    2nd Runner - Up For Best Photo: Duckie
    3rd: Shanali
    4th Bottom Three: Jade
    5th Bottom Two/ Eliminated: Melissa (she is up and down. She shouldn't have been the winner)
    6th Eliminated: Dajana (she was p*ss poor this week, treated it like Week Three, as a joke. Bye Dajana (weird spelt name)


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