ANTM Cycle 8 7th Episode : Unforgettable ANTM Moments with Past Contestants Photo Shoot

Original Airdate : April 11, 2007

Photo Shoot : Unforgettable ANTM Moments with Past Contestants

First call out

Dionne - Kim (Cycle 5)

Call out order

Michelle (cycle 4) - Natasha

Amanda & Michelle (cycle 7) - Brittany

Joanie (cycle 6) - Renee

Jaslene - Bre (cycle 5)

Bottom two

Jael - Rebecca (Cycle 4)


Shannon (cycle 1) - Whitney

1 comment :

  1. My Call - Out Order:
    1st Best Photo: Dionne
    2nd Runner - Up For Best Photo: Natasha
    3rd: Brittany
    4th: Jaslene
    5th: Renee
    6th Bottom Two: Jael
    7th Eliminated: Whitney


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